Tarih: -
Konum: TEDU Room 116
TEDUCATION Seminars - Teaching and Assessment at the ELS
TED University Center for Teaching and Learning cordially invites all faculty and academic staff to the “Teaching and Assessment at the ELS” with Yeşim Eraslan.
November 8, Thursday at 14.00-16.00 • Classroom 116 •
"Teaching and Assessment at the ELS"
In this workshop, the teaching and assessment procedures of the ELS will be presented. The structure of the ELS, the student and instructor profile, the curricular approach, materials used, course descriptions, extracurricular activities, and assessment tools and procedures will be explained.
Yeşim Eraslan – Director of English Language School
TED Üniversitesi
Ziya Gökalp Caddesi No:48 06420,
Kolej Çankaya ANKARA
KEP Adresi: tedu@hs02.kep.tr
Tel: +90 (312) 585 0000
Faks: +90 (312) 418 4148