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Peer Assisted Study Sessions

Peer Assisted Study Sessions is a peer-learning-based program that aims to increase success in selected courses. The aim of the program is to increase the academic success of the students (leaders), who have taken the relevant course a semester ago and completed it with high success (leaders), the instructors teaching the course at that time, and the Teaching and Learning Center team, who undertook the supervision of the program, in cooperation.

Throughout the program, the leaders hold weekly meetings with the lecturers who teach the relevant course and receive feedback on the appropriateness of the learning aid content they have prepared for the topic covered in the course that week. Instructors can guide leaders on what topics they should focus on in that week's study session. Leaders hold sessions at determined times each week and prepare the appropriate environment for students who need support in the relevant course to learn from each other. It is ensured that the exchange of information between students progresses in a controlled and structured way and that students become active participants in the learning process. Leaders evaluate sessions after weekly sessions and deliver reports to supervisors. Leaders consult with supervisors when needed and aim to contribute positively to students' learning processes with a mechanism that is open to change and responds to students' needs, based on feedback throughout the process.

Weekly study sessions will be held in ECON102, ENG101 and PHYS105 courses within the scope of the Peer Assisted Study Sessions, which we will implement as a pilot in the 2022 Spring term.

- Suzan Sevinç, Department of Economics, 2nd year student
- Tuğyan Eroğlu, Department of Economics, 3rd year student

- Mert Ali Balcı: Department of Psychology, 1st year student
- İçim Sever: Department of Primary Education, 1st year student

- Furkan Yavuz İnce: Engineering Program, 1st year student
- Gizem Yüksel: Engineering Program, 1st year student