Center for Teaching and Learning CTL Coordinator
Gökçen AYDIN
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Assoc. Prof. Gökçen Aydın earned her PhD degree from Middle East Technical University (METU), Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance. She worked as a research assistant in Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching at METU between 2010-2017. Her research interests include Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), psychological flexibility, values, academic success, motivation, adaptation to university life and perfectionism cognitions.
(312) 585 0597
H - 204
Center for Teaching and Learning Educational Technologies Assistant Specialist
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He graduated from Ege University Computer Programming Department in 2014. After completing his undergraduate education in Hacettepe University Computer Education and Instructional Technologies (CEIT) department in 2018, he started his graduate studies at Ege University CEIT. He has been continuing the Hacettepe University CEIT PhD program since 2020.
He is interested in multimedia learning design, blended learning design, educational material development and educational video production processes.
(312) 585 0439
H - 204
Center for Teaching and Learning Part-Time Curriculum and Instruction Assistant Specialist
Şevval Kübra ÖZER
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She completed her undergraduate education at the Department of Science Education at Middle East Technical University in 2020. She still continues her Middle East Technical University Curriculum and Instruction Master's Program, which she started in 2020. She has presented her work at national and international conferences. Her research interests include active learning, teaching methods, simulation-based learning.
H - 204
Center for Teaching and Learning Part-Time Psychological Counselling and Guidance Assistant Specialist
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Deniz Özmeriç born in 1995, Aydın, Turkey. After graduating from Aydın Atatürk Anatolian High School in 2013, she completed her B.A. in the Middle East Technical University, Northern Cyprus Campus, Guidance and Psychological Counseling Program in 2019, as the first ranking student in the GPC program and the third best ranking student in the METU. She continues her education in the Middle East Technical University Guidance and Psychological Counseling Master's Program, which she started in 2020. She continues to receive Family and Couples Therapy Training, which she started in 2020, with 2 years of theoretical training and 2 years of supervision, approved by the European Family Therapy Association, from the Institute of Relationship Psychotherapies (İPE), and she is in the second year of the theoretical training. Her research interests include romantic relationships, young adults' relationship patterns, relationship and marital satisfaction, and gender roles. She is working as an Assistant GPC Specialist at TEDU Center for Teaching and Learning.
H - 204