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TEDU CTL Seminar Moocluluklar! A tricky tango with MOOCs

Tarih:  -

TEDU EFS Seminars

28 March 2013, 14:00 - 16:00
Location: TEDU room 116

A tricky tango with MOOCs

In this seminar, we will discuss the place of MOOCs (massive open online courses) in higher education today. Among the topics of discussion are the meaning of MOOCs for higher education, pedagogical issues, credentialing issues, revenue models, and whether and how we should take a stand as a university. "Introduction to philosophy" and "introduction to biology – the secret of life" MOOCs will be showcased. In this age of "cognitive capitalism," no matter where you stand on the issue of MOOCS, it is my conviction that we ignore it at our own peril. So, come and join us to better understand and discuss this issue together. The session will be in the form of a show-and-tell and discussion.

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Benhür Oral